Shonen Jump is responsible for bringing us some of manga and anime's most iconic characters. Dragon Ball's Goku and One Piece's Luffy are just a few names on the roster alongside other popular properties such as Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Bleach. Since 1968, the manga shonen anthology has entertained and delighted, leaving a huge imprint on anime culture. Today, many of these shows are still running, video games such as the upcoming Jump Force are still being created, and Shonen Jump continues to retain its legacy of producing some of the most popular manga around.
Japan has a lot of pride in its manga/anime scene and part of the highlight of visiting is seeing all the dedicated shops, billboards, and overall enthusiasm around it. While exploring Tokyo for this past TGS, I discovered a Jump shop in Tokyo Station after my visit to the delightful Pokémon cafe. I couldn't resist snapping some pictures to show you what it's like inside.
Check out the gallery above to get a peek at the experience.
from Game Informer
via gqrds
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