Before you punch in that code to make yourself instantly drunk in Red Dead Redemption 2, how about taking a moment to reflect on all the other weird, wonderful cheats Rockstar has blessed us with over the years. From flying cars to instant death there have been many. And who can forget the gimps with purple dildos? To honor the developer who’s keeping the old-school tradition alive, here are some of the most outlandish cheat codes we’ve discovered in Rockstar games. Flying Cars – (GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas) This one is a classic for a good reason. Like something out of Harry Potter, it enables you to fly… in your car! Apart from being a gas, the flying cars code is extremely useful for getting across the sprawling maps of San Andreas and Liberty City in a hurry. It’s been over a decade since we last saw this cheat, so Rockstar, if you’re listening, we could always use flying horses. GTA III : PlayStation 2: Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 ...